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I am hANDSOME and I think i am...HAHA!!! Hopu like my blog...Do sometime go our class blog at 2teamwork.blogspot.com and hopu like our class blog....Let me remind u something..Do not write any bad words and if i found out one word....Iwill definite find u..Thank!!!!

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Monday, May 12, 2008

P.s: I stink so i'm gna bathe after this post....(look forward to my shower-time) But I can see only a comp screen ley/If you're lag i meant that as a cold joke.Ah i'm talking to Baby on msn now !AND we're supposed to be tired together (tries to act enthu :D:D)Right anyway i'm uncontactable,Did i say? Miss Lai confiscated my handphone.Supposedly before th bazaar but i got it back.AND SHE CALLED ME A FUCKING BIMBO #*(^$#&*#AM I.........?!No what i think i'm smart ;What's more i'm not blonde. Lol.Ah so today's our 1st week yay yay.Happy 7 Days my dear baby <3 <3Love you, love you.(Omgoshxzxz i'm so excited for Ecp tmrtmr! :D)Oh by the way do you guys know that Midyears are juz round the corner?Unbelievable it's jsut next week, so fast!I gta buck up, I swearxzxzx/(Note: Remember to work hard & Pls study w Baby)Ah this post is like fuckin' random but nehmind i like! :DOh today CG was great :) :) :)Fuckz i need to bathe now.Update tmr, (promise promise)

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